Pedro Armestre

jue14junTodo el díamie25jul(Todo el día)(GMT+02:00) Pedro ArmestreSomalia in oblivionSala exposiciones Salvador de Madariaga

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Somalia in oblivion

The journey through life begins there where streams of abandonment twist and writhe their way. Forgotten earth, dust clouds swirling in the desert wind, children, women, innocents who struggle day by day for survival in a land riven by piratry and the terrorism of Al Shabab. Somalia lives on, forgotten, trapped in a noose of extreme drought and poverty that has unleashed the drama. More than 6.7 million beings need help, urgent help. Somalia does not weep – the extreme drought dries its tears, Somalia bleeds to death. The desert encroaches with nothing to stop it. From a cycle of drought once in a decade, Somalia now suffers it constantly.

Some 60% of Somalis are semi-nomadic or fully nomadic shepherds With their crops shrivelled and dead, the lack of food and water has provoked the death much of their livestock, the mainstay of their livelihood. Thus, the flight of many families abandoning their homes.

The dry seasons, stretching long and profound, then sudden cyclonic, torrential and devastating rain storms, all contribute to the onward march of the desert, bringing inhuman living conditions to the populations of that outermost, most eastern country on the Horn of Africa. The hand-in-hand twin scourge of severe malnutrition and death. Somalia exudes souls with no future.

Migratory flows within the continent are constant. In the past, the colonizers located frontiers where flocks once moved freely. Now these flocks and their shepherds are the climatic refugees that no-one acknowledges. The combination of climate change and back-turning on the part of First World Nations, has found in these most weakened peoples, the perfect target for razing without mercy, for advancing without limit.



Pedro Armestre

Pedro Armestre

Pedro Armestre

1972 (A Rasela, Verín) Ourense.

His career started in 1993 with his images swinging towards photojournalism, which he used with success for the Europa Press agency, the Cover agency, the daily newspaper El Mundo and magazines such as XI Semanal, and Interviu amongst others.  Between the years 2003 and 2016 the international agency France Presse distributed his work to prestigious newspapers and magazines throughout the world.

In 2014 he formed the audiovisual production company Calamar2 specializing in social and environmental content.  In 2015 is born, where numbered limited edition copies of some of his body of work can be obtained.

Throughout his career his photography exhibits a sensitizing character that is a result of its relationship with the defence of human rights, and the care and preservation of the environment.  His journey, clearly marked out leads him to maintain intense relationships with organizations dedicated to these spheres, and to this end he has carried out multiple photographic projects and creative developments.

“Four Elements. The Basic Principles of Life” is Pedro Armestre’s most personal project.  He discovers through his own personal lens the interaction of man with the environment, within which man has wrought changes to the landscape and in many cases brings about an imbalance that endangers life itself.

He has received many varied awards and prizes, amongst them stand out the Premio Rey de España for photojournalism, Pictures of the Year POYi, Premio Ortega y Gasset,  Manos Unidos Premio Nacional for journalism, Pictures of the Year Poy Latan, etc. He has edited three books of his own photographs and has held numerous exhibitions of his own work and participated in many collective exhibitions.

Pedro Armestre - Ilustración de Carlos Gallego

Pedro Armestre – Ilustración de Carlos Gallego


14 junio, 2018 - 25 julio, 2018 (Todo el día)(GMT+01:00)


Sala exposiciones Salvador de Madariaga

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